So Paul and I are WAAYYY behind on the times but we finally finished Portal 2! Co-op was sooooo much fun! I loved the puzzles and some of the new features that were added. Paul and I play games really well together and it really felt like when he couldn't figure the puzzle out I could, and vice versa. I haven't actually played the single player all the way through by myself yet, but I did watch/help Paul play all the way through and achievement hunt. I wasn't as impressed with the single player content. I don't know if it just felt long (I was expecting a length more like the first Portal) or if it really was just long and a little bit redundant. I don't even think I would play through the single player content if it weren't for the portal gun and companion cube achievement award that can be unlocked. Way to get me with accessories Valve!
We also got Red Dead Redemption (Finally right?) and I have played it a little bit, but I barely have enough time to get in all my studying as it is! I'm in bed by 9 every night >.<
So I had mentioned that we have news! I can finally announce it. Swanland-Land is going to have another citizen! Baby #2 is on the way. Official due date is 4-1-12! This is going to make next semester VERY interesting. And yeah, that is why I am so tired that I am going to bed at 9:00. So tired! Deadz.